Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Best laid plans...

Sometimes, it takes a while to realize your dream.  Other times, it's right in front of you, and you see it, but are too afraid to go for it.  Fear takes over and you walk another path, the safe path.  That's what happened to me.  I took that other path.  It took going full circle to come back and take the right path, and that is where I am.  I can remember being an adolescent fascinated with Top Gun, wishing I was Maverick flying that F-14 Tomcat through the sky, shooting down Migs (which, in the movie, were actually F-5's, because we couldn't get our hands on any Migs due to the fact that we were still in a Cold War with Russia), and dreaming of one day becoming a Naval Aviator.  Well, that dream never came to fruition, but the desire to fly still remained strong. Fast forward to 2007, and I finally got off my rear and signed up for flight lessons at the local FBO.  I knew nothing of the world of aviation other than the simulators I flew on my home computer and the sheer knowledge of military aircraft I learned throughout the years.

So, here I am, it's 2011, I'm on the verge of getting my Commercial Certificate, soon to move onto my CFI ticket, and I still have no idea what I really want to do in the long run.  Do I want to fly for the airlines?  How about a private charter company?  Is a corporate pilot job something I want?  Do I want to be a CFI for the rest of my career?  What about management?  These are all questions I hope to answer for not only myself, but possible help with those reading this.

So, as a wise man once said, "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed what you wrote under "About me". I can relate to be inspired by Top Gun...I was too. Well, that and the movie SpaceCamp. I wanted to be an astronaut, and now I'm reading blogs of an aviation course that I teach. What I've found is that aviation is an exciting, regardless of what path you take to pursue it.
