Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update: TSA, real classy.

A few weeks ago, I made it rather apparent my feelings on the TSA. As a recap, I find them to be a bloated agency whose original intentions may have been noble, but are now bogged down by bureaucracy and unionizing.  With the number of employees they have, they are likely to have some bad apples, but when it comes to the type of job they are doing, there should be no room for error or mistakes, especially with their own employees.

In late October, a news article ran in the New York Daily News about a TSA agent who opened checked baggage and found a 'sex toy'.  Well, this agent thought it would be amusing to leave the required tag with a note that said 'Get your freak on girl'.  Though amusing, it was entirely inappropriate.  These individuals are supposed to uphold the highest professionalism.  They are tasked with 'touching our bodies' in the event of a pat-down, and searching through items that are private in nature.  In my opinion, it is entirely uncalled for.  Luckily, the TSA is in the process of terminating the individual in question.  I've no issue with this.  This is a person that should have never been given a position within the TSA.

My overall issue with this is that, once again, this is not a situation that should have even been given a chance to happen.  Perhaps a more thorough evaluation of an individual should happen before they are given a final go ahead to accept employment into the TSA.  It seems like anyone can get a job with the TSA.  In the same article, it also gives a snippet about two former TSA agents that pled guilty to conspiring to steal $40,000 from a cash bag on an American Airlines flight at Kennedy Airport.  This makes me wonder how many of these incidents happen that we don't know about, and are gotten away with.  How many times in the last ten years have you lost your luggage on a flight?  Kind of makes you wonder now, doesn't it?  I think I'll just carry on my luggage for now on.


  1. I do believe the TSA serves to protect passenger an airline employee safety and is necessary in today's airports. I also 110% agree with your statements about professionalism. In my opinion this goes for all members of any type of service. Police, Fireman, Security, and anyone in a uniform, government employee, etc. These standards should ultimately be held by everyone, but those in uniform in public areas, such as the TSA, get much more visibility, and it does not take much for the public to develop an opinion based on their, actions, appearance, and behavior not just on the job, but off the job as well. I hate when I walk out of an airport terminal and see the random TSA agent in their uniform, that is 5 sizes too big and looks as if it was ironed with a rock, outside on their smoke break, sitting on the curb with a look on their face, like they might be a possible threat themselves. Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't make a very good impression.

  2. Interesting, and sadly entertaining update. I also agree for the need for professionalism within this organization.
